Global Kosher


Kosher Supervision

In the U.S.A., the kosher certifying agencies with which we are familiar did not start until the 1920’s and 1930’s, but their development can be traced back over 200 years. The need for kosher supervision in the United States dates back to Colonial times. As early as 1660, a Jew from Portugal applied for a license to sell kosher meat in New Amsterdam. The first recorded complaint was in 1771 against the Shochet Moshe. In 1774, the widow, Hetty Hays, complained that her shochet (ritual slaughterer) was selling non-kosher meat. This led to the first court license revocation against a kosher butcher in 1796.

As Jewish communities developed in the United States, they originally followed the European pattern of having community appointed shochtim. By this method, the shochet could easily be removed if he did not follow the strict guidelines set down by the community leaders. This method changed drastically in 1813, when the schochet, Avraham Jacobs, became the first independent schochet in the United States. He was followed by many more. Unfortunately, this change led to a rapid decline in the standard of kosher meat.

In 1863, a group of laymen and shochtim got together to try to form a kashrus organization that could control this situation. Regrettably, they were unsuccessful. It was not until 1897 that the shochtim themselves banded together to form a union called “Meleches Hakodesh.” Their goal was to improve kashrus standards, as well as the wages of shochtim.

By 1918, kosher products started finding their way into the American market. Abraham Goldstein, a chemist, was highly instrumental in both importing these products as well as in convincing domestic companies (such as Sunshine Biscuit Co.) to become certified kosher.

In 1999, based on the ‘Meleches Hakodesh", a new union called “Kehilat Kodesh" was formed under affiliation with the World Jewish Confederation. And in 2006 as the complexity of manufacturing processes and the need for kosher certification increased, this led to the emergence of GLOBAL KOSHER.

Global Kosher

About Us

What we do?

GLOBAL-K has an international network of regional coordinators and rabbinic representatives, all of them strictly Orthodox in their personal practice and synagogue affiliation. Each company, manufacturer, product, or service seeking GLOBAL K kosher certification or operating under GLOBAL K Supervision is carefully monitored by regional coordinators, field supervisors and the staff at GLOBAL K headquarters. Regional coordinators are based in major American cities, Canada, South and Central America, Australia, Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, Australia and Israel. These representatives conduct frequent visits to major manufacturers and their suppliers at every location where kosher certification and/or supervision is needed. GLOBAL K considers the confidentiality of all proprietary information as the highest of priorities, and trade secret security is completely is assured.

GLOBAL-K’s reputation for outstanding service to the organizations it supervises and certifies is well known. In addition to automated inspection tracking, GLOBAL K has compiled an extensive and comprehensive database of ingredients and ingredient suppliers, fully digitized, and accessible to all companies under GLOBAL K supervision/certification. This technology has placed GLOBAL K at the leading edge of contemporary Kosher supervision, raising industry standards to a new high and providing unsurpassed service, responsiveness, and speed.

Global Kosher

Global Kosher Certification

The Global Kosher market size was valued at $19.1 billion in 2018, and is projected to reach $25.6 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 3.7% from 2019 to 2026.

Why Kosher?

If a company wants to sell their product in the US, they need to be certified as kosher. In addition, many people enjoy kosher certified products because they are guaranteed to be free of bacteria and additives. Kosher certification is not just a religious requirement. It is a legal one as well.


Expand Your Market Share & Increase Your Revenue with GLOBAL KOSHER Certification. The GLOBAL-K emblem is the internationally recognized trademark of Global Kosher Certification, one of the foremost kosher certification agencies in the world.

Get Certified

Global Kosher certification has a good reputation because it guarantees the quality of the products and is a competitive advantage in the large distribution of food. The certification process covers all aspects of the production, verifying the ingredients, facility and actual production to ensure all ingredients, derivatives, tools and machinery have no trace of non kosher substances.

Global Kosher

Our Team

Totally committed, efficiently organized, fully staffed and technologically advanced, the GLOBAL K is eager to help you link your products with both the historical tradition of kashrus, and the rapidly expanding world-wide market for kosher products.

Global Kosher

Quick Steps To Learn About Kosher

#1. Land animals must have cloven (split) hooves and must chew the cud, meaning that they must eat grass. #2. Seafood must have fins and scales. It is forbidden to eat birds of prey. #3. Meat and dairy cannot be eaten together, as it says in the Torah : "Do not boil a kid in its mother's milk" (Exodus 23:19). You can learn more about Kosher Dietary laws in the Bible (Leviticus 11). Or contact one of our Rabbis.

Global Kosher